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Carsten Greve (Lecturer) 27 May 2009. Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution. Den regulerede konkurrencemodel. Carsten Greve (Lecturer) 25 Carsten Greve is Professor at Copenhagen Business School and Academic Director of the CBS Public-Private Platform. Karsten Greve (born 15 September 1946 in Dahme, Brandenburg, Germany) is a German art dealer, publisher and owner of Galerie Karsten Greve in Cologne, St Moritz, Paris and formerly Milan, specialized in the international postwar avant-garde, contemporary art and photography.

Carsten greve

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N2 - This book examines Public–Private Partnerships (PPP), and tracks the movement from early technical optimism to the reality of PPP as a phenomenon in the political economy. Today's economic turbulence sees many PPP assumptions changed: what contracts can achieve, who bears the real risks, where Carsten Greve studies Public Services, Public Opinion (Political Science), and Public Sector Reform. Graeme A. Hodge, Carsten Greve Public Works Management. Vol 22, Issue 1, pp. 55 - 78. Issue published date: January-01-2017 10.1177/1087724X16657830. Request Permissions View permissions information for this article Pris: 2619 kr.

Scandichem AB, GREVE Företaget eniro.se

Greve] : Good Adventures. 1:a Utgåvan, 1:a Upplagan uppl. 2012.

Carsten greve

RI OPAC - Regesta Imperii

43 sidor. Mer om ISBN 9788792549242.

Carsten greve

Statistik. Privatisering, regulering og demokrati: Telestyrelsens funktion som uafhængig reguleringsmyndighed, Hæfte. Dansk, Carsten Greve, Hæfte, 2002-12-6. the economic worth of public-private partnerships; in. International Handbook on Public-Private Partnerships edited by Graeme A. Hodge, Carsten Greve,.
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Carsten greve

1 Media contribution. Press/Media: Press / Media. View all 358 in the media Powered by Pure, Scopus & Elsevier Fingerprint Engine™ Carsten Greve is Professor at Copenhagen Business School and Academic Director of the CBS Public-Private Platform.

Copenhagen Business School. Public-Private Partnerships: An International.
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1680–1729. Carsten, Greve. Stuga: Område: Våra tjänster: Betalning/pris: Totalt: Betyg är avgivit utan kommentarer. Besökte stugan 20 september 2020 - 23 september 2020.

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6 andre med navnet “Carsten Greve… Carsten Greve is the author of Reform og forandring (3.00 avg rating, 2 ratings, 0 reviews), Contracting for Public Services (3.00 avg rating, 2 ratings, Carsten Greve is Professor at Copenhagen Business School and Academic Director of the CBS Public-Private Platform. Carsten Greve is a professor in public–private cooperation and public management at the International Center for Business and Politics, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark. He previously held posts at Aalborg University and the University of Copenhagen. His main research interests are privatization, contracting out, regulatory reform, public 2016-7-12 · Graeme A. Hodge and Carsten Greve. Public Works Management & Policy 2016 22: 1, 55-78 Download Citation. If you have the appropriate software installed, … Carsten Greve is Professor at the Department of Business and Politics, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark.

4/59.87 Willem GREVE (NED) · 105JW66 · FARO. KWPN. 5/65.62. 26 · 10054793. Idealtypens egenskaper leder till flera negativa effekter. Carsten Greve Reformanalyse.Hvordan den offentlige sektor grundlggende er blevet forandret i 00erne,  Carsten Spørring.